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Turkey and exports,,,, Numbers and analysis
One of the world's largest countries in the industry and export sector.... Learn about some numbers and ratios related to exports in Turkey

Introduction: Turkey is one of the largest exporting countries in the world, exporting a diverse range of products and services. In recent years, the country has experienced significant growth in the export sector, with record-breaking exports in 2021 despite the global economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

What Yeni Concept offers: Our service relies on a specialized and qualified team that strives to meet customers' needs and achieve the highest level of satisfaction for them. Our team includes experts in various fields such as logistics, export, supply, and customs clearance, which enables us to provide a smooth and efficient service. This chain of services begins with receiving purchase requests, studying them, identifying the best suitable offers, and then sending the appropriate offer for your review before starting the next stages.

Official numbers and statistics issued by specialized government agencies:

We present to you some official statistics on foreign trade activity in Turkey in the recent period, indicating the prosperity and growth of foreign trade volume:

According to official statistics, Turkey's total exports in 2021 amounted to $200 billion, and exports reached 226 countries around the world. The most important export destinations include Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, and the United States of America. The most prominent export sectors include automobiles, textiles, machinery, agricultural and food products. Regarding automobile exports, Turkey has become a major player in the global market, with companies such as Ford, Renault, and Toyota operating production factories in the country. In 2021, car exports accounted for more than 20% of the country's total exports, with a value of $40 billion. The textile industry is another prominent contributor to Turkey's export sector, where the country is a leading producer and exporter of fabrics and clothing. In 2021, textile exports amounted to $19 billion, representing about 10% of total exports. The high-quality fabrics made in Turkey are known for their durability and unique designs, making them highly sought after in the global market.

In December, exports increased by 2.7% and imports by 0.5% after excluding energy and gold products. In December 2022, exports of goods excluding energy and gold rose by 2.7% to $21.437 billion, compared to $20.875 billion in the same period the previous year. At the same time, imports of goods excluding energy and gold increased by 0.5% to $21.704 billion, compared to $21.591 billion in the same period the previous year. In December, Germany was the country with the largest export value. The value of exports to Germany was $1.807 billion, followed by the United States with $1.381 billion, the Russian Federation with $1.313 billion, Iraq with $1.149 billion, and the United Kingdom with $1.066 billion. The value of exports to the top 5 countries was 29.3%.

At Yeni Konsept, we are keen to be part of the export wheel with the highest efficiency and best service, as we provide our customers with a product preparation and shipping service from the first step until receipt.

Are you looking for a reliable source to import the best building materials from Turkey? Now you can easily export your products abroad through Yeni Konsept. Follow us to learn about all our services.

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